Albufeira launches therapeutic workshops to help patients in the early stages of dementia

The Municipality of Albufeira is promoting therapeutic workshops aimed at adults in the early stages of dementia, which aim to delay […]

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The Municipality of Albufeira is promoting therapeutic workshops aimed at adults in the early stages of dementia, which aim to delay the effects of this disease, through the promotion of cognitive and functional abilities and the encouragement of autonomy. The sessions have already started at the end of September and take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at Parque Lúdico, from 14:30 pm to 16:00 pm.

According to the Municipality of Albufeira, this initiative, which will last until June, aims to respond to the increase in «chronic and degenerative diseases that increasingly compromise the quality of life, namely in terms of attention, memory, perceptive and spatial capacity, executive functions and the speed of information processing”, arising from the aging of the population.

These ailments "complicate the daily lives of the elderly and have serious consequences in terms of public health".

«Aware of the situation, the municipality of Albufeira intends to respond to the problem at a local level, through therapeutic workshops, which make available to the population a set of solutions that aim to delay the evolution of the disease, alleviate psychological suffering and improve the quality of life for elderly people with dementia», summarized the municipality of Albufeirense.

The proposed exercises aim to "stimulate cognitive function at the individual and group level, promote autonomy in activities of daily living, foster social and cultural skills and prevent isolation", among others.

«The interventions integrate Reality Orientation Therapy (relearning information about orientation in time and space), Reminiscence Therapy (games in which users talk about their past experiences, in a contained and guided by the therapist), Art Therapy , Cognitive Stimulation, among other dynamics that aim to respond to the difficulties felt by the population of the municipality that suffers from this type of pathology», added the City Council of Albufeira.

More information can be obtained from the municipality's Social Action services, by calling 289 599 690 and 289 599 908.

