Nelson Dias talks about Participatory Democracy at Tertúlia Farense in September

“Participative Democracy – Scenarios and Perspectives” will be in focus in this month's edition of Tertúlia Farense, which will […]

“Participative Democracy – Scenarios and Perspectives” will be the focus of this month's edition of Tertúlia Farense, which will take place on Thursday, September 28, at 21 pm, at Atelier de Comida Santo António, in Faro.

After the usual vacation break in August, the informal group of Faroese citizens gathers again to reflect on a very current topic, with the help of an expert in the field, sociologist Nelson Dias, World Bank consultant for participatory budgets, and former president of In Loco, a pioneering association in the promotion of Participatory Budgets and which is part of the structure responsible for Portugal Participa.

As usual, before the presentation and the debate that will follow, there is a convivial dinner.

