GNR found an elderly man who disappeared when he was being picked up by medronho in Monchique

A 76-year-old man who had been missing since yesterday, Thursday, in Monchique, was found "in good health" by the GNR […]

GNR_1A 76-year-old man who had been missing since yesterday, Thursday, in Monchique, was found "in good health" by the Monchique GNR. The old man was found six kilometers from the place where he was last seen, the Covão area, in Marmelete, where he was picking up arbutus.

According to the GNR, the man left the house yesterday, around lunchtime, accompanied by family members and will have been lost in the late afternoon, when he was dedicated to collecting strawberry trees.

The searches began as soon as the relatives noticed the absence of the septuagenarian and continued throughout the night, the GNR soldiers from Monchique ending up locating the man, who, despite being «weakened and with slight injuries», was «in good health. and has already received the necessary medical support».

"The search operations had the support of means of the Intervention Unit, namely the Intervention, Protection and Relief Group and also of technical means of the search and rescue specialty", according to the Territorial Command of Faro of the GNR.

