Chamber approves «unanimously and acclaimed» vote of congratulation to Lagos Zoo

The work developed by Zoo de Lagos was recognized by the municipality of Lacobrigense during the last Council Meeting, with […]

ZooLagos check delivery (8)The work developed by Zoo de Lagos was recognized by the municipality of Lagos during the last Council Meeting, with the approval “by unanimous vote and acclamation” of a vote of congratulations to this entity, announced the municipality.

The Municipality of Lagos publicly congratulated the Lagos Zoo «for its support, collaboration and participation in the commemoration of the Animal Day, celebrated on October 4th, by establishing a partnership with the Municipality of Lagos that allowed the opportunity to be given to residents in the Algarve of get to know your zoo at a very low price (on the 8th and 9th of October), and by donating part of the revenue raised on those days (more specifically, 1200 euros) to the Associação Animals de Rua».

For the Mayor of Lagos Joaquina Matos, the work that has been developed by Zoo de Lagos since its creation «dignifies not only Lagos, but also the entire region». It is in this context, he explained, that this public recognition arises, "in the certainty that it will be a stimulus to the continuity and improvement of the work already carried out."

«The congratulatory vote aims to recognize all the work developed by the Zoo, not only valuing its role in helping and supporting associations that work in the promotion of animal welfare, as well as recognizing its importance in nature conservation, with highlighting the collaboration developed with various Institutions and Universities in scientific research projects, either through "ex-situ" programs (captive breeding programs for endangered species, or in various visitor awareness actions, namely environmental campaigns , exhibitions, and others), or through “in-situ” programs (strategies for the conservation, maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural environments, in collaboration with several NGOs)», concluded the Câmara de Lagos.

