Quinta Pedagógica de Portimão launched a campaign to raise food, medicines and money to help the association “Animais de Rua” in the treatment and feeding of abandoned cats. The initiative lasts until the 31st of October and arises in connection with the International Animal Day, which is marked on the 4th of October.
The donations raised are intended to support TNR activities in cats (Trap-Neuter-Return). form of population control.
This method consists of capturing stray cats with appropriate material, sterilizing them and, if they are sick, treating them in veterinary clinics. Afterwards, they are returned to the original habitat where they are fed and monitored by caregivers, since the association “Animais de Rua” does not have its own physical space where it can house the cats.
“Animais de Rua”, which operates nationwide, was created with the aim of alleviating the suffering of companion animals and, according to it, the overpopulation of these animals is a reality. “The number of animals in need of a home far exceeds the number of families willing to adopt them, which means that many thousands of animals are born and live on the streets, without access to sufficient food or basic health care, many of them end up dying of hunger, disease, or victims of abuse», explains the association.
This initiative has the support of the Municipality of Portimão.