PSD wants to take Centro Hospitalar do Algarve to the Parliamentary Health Commission with "urgency"

The PSD requested today, "as a matter of urgency", the hearing of the Board of Directors of the Centro Hospitalar do Algarve and the […]

Emergency Hospital of Faro 2016_2Today, the PSD requested, "as a matter of urgency", the hearing of the Board of Directors of the Hospital Center of the Algarve and the department directors, in the Parliamentary Health Commission. 

In a letter sent to the President of the Parliamentary Health Commission, the Sul Informação had access, the Social Democratic parliamentary group stresses that “difficulties in terms of the lack of medical personnel remain a serious problem, with consequences for the proper functioning of services, especially in emergency care, neurosurgery, orthopedics and anesthesia, which naturally ends up , if it has a negative impact on the provision of health care to populations».

For the PSD deputies, namely for the Algarvean Cristóvão Norte, the "situation is even more serious at this stage of the year in which the country is at the beginning of the bathing season, with the consequent increase in demand for the CHA". The parliamentarians considered that "the institution is by no means prepared to face the assistance needs that lie ahead".

The fact that the minister of Health publicly assumed that the problems of the Hospital Center in the Algarve would be resolved by the end of May, which, the Social Democrats stress, "did not happen, and on the contrary, according to senior officials, deteriorated" , is another of the reasons invoked to bring the Board of Directors of the CHA to the Health Commission.

In addition to the Board of Directors, chaired by Joaquim Ramalho, the PSD wants department directors Ana Lopes, Carlos Godinho, David Estevens, João Ildefonso, Pedro Leão Neves and Ulisses Brito to be heard in the commission.

