Docapesca launches tender for Offshore Aquaculture Support Areas in the port of Sagres

Docapesca Portos e Lotas SA has just opened a public tender for the construction and operation of Support Units […]

sagres whaling public contestDocapesca Portos e Lotas SA has just opened a public tender for the construction and operation of Support Units for off-shore aquaculture, in five plots located in the Fishing Port of Baleeira, in Sagres.

The tender concerns Plot No. 2 (480 square meters), a lot with Plots No. 3 and 4 and another lot with Plots No. 5 and 6 (571,2 square meters in total), added that entity.

Docapesca's board of directors says that this is "in keeping with the wishes expressed by this company and the need to create support structures for the development of aquaculture production".

The public tenders are intended for the award of concession contracts for the private use of these portions of the public water domain, for periods of 25 years, and are published in Diário da República (DR 109 – II series of 5 June).

The deadline for submission of proposals runs until the 22nd of July.

