Algarve companies can apply for 26 million euros of European funds

Ten competitions for incentives to companies have already been opened, within the scope of the CRESC Algarve 2020 Operational Program, which have, in […]

Logo_CRESC_cmykTen competitions for incentives to companies have already been opened, within the scope of the CRESC Algarve 2020 Operational Program, which together have an allocation of 26 million euros from the ERDF, announced the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission.

These competitions, which were open until the 31st of March, «are intended for projects that contribute to the increase of business investment in R&DT activities, innovation and that allow strengthening the capacity of companies in the Algarve».

The CCDR do Algarve reminds that, in the current framework of support, that reserves around 318 million euros to be invested in projects in the Algarve, under the CRESC, «applications are submitted, within the scope of a competitive process, and the incentives, subject or not to reimbursement, are calculated based on the application of a certain percentage to the set of project expenses considered “eligible”» .

The calendar of the Portugal 2020 Candidature Opening Plan, which covers CRESC Algarve 2020 support to companies in the region. is available online.

