Silves Chamber teaches forensic psychology and divorce debate

The Chamber of Silves will promote a workshop on forensic psychology and a conference on divorce, on the 14th […]

PrintThe Chamber of Silves will promote a workshop on forensic psychology and a conference on divorce, on May 14th and 15th. Two initiatives of the Psychology Service of the Silvense Municipality, which will count with the presence of Rute Agulhas and Alexandra Anciães.

The theme of divorce and the management of the couple's separation with their children will be debated on the 14th, a Thursday, at the conference “How to get a good divorce for children”, which will take place at the Silves Library between 18 pm and 30 pm .

«Impact of divorce on the family, conjugality/parenthood, facilitating aspects of parental and child adjustment and regime of contacts are the main contents of this conference», describes the Chamber of Silvas. Admission is free and open to the community in general.

The same day, also at the Municipal Library, kicks off the workshop on “Assessment in Forensic Psychology”, which will be promoted by psychologists and experts in the forensic area, Rute Agulhas and Alexandra Anciães.

Aimed at all professionals who may be involved in a judicial process, this action "intends to promote skills in the forensic psychological assessment of children, adolescents and adults in different contexts, in Criminal and Civil Law".

Registration, which runs until May 8th, has an associated cost of 95 euros and is limited to a minimum number of 15 participants and a maximum of 25. More information can be obtained by calling 282 440 800 (ext.: 420) and email [email protected].


About the trainers:

Ruth Needles: psychologist and family therapist, has been working for 16 years in the clinical and forensic field. Since 2005, he has been working as an expert in the Southern Delegation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (INMLCF). Invited assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL, where she teaches courses in the Masters in Community Psychology and Protection of Minors. Researcher at CIS/ISCTE-IUL. Doctoral student in Psychology at ISCTE-IUL. Trainer in the clinical and forensic areas.

Alexandra Elders: psychologist and postgraduate in Deviant Behaviors and Criminal Sciences. She has been working for 16 years in the clinical and forensic area, having been working since 2000 as an expert in the Southern Delegation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (INMLCF). Forensics trainer.

