More and more Portuguese people buy school supplies on the internet

More and more families are buying school supplies on the internet (22%, +10 pp than in 2013), […]

School SuppliesMore and more families are buying school material on the internet (22%, +10 pp than in 2013), observed the Observador Cetelem, after questioning Portuguese consumers about their purchase intentions for Back to School.

Even so, stationery stores (92%) and hyper/supermarkets (80%) continue to be the most popular shopping places for the purchase of school supplies. A residual percentage (8%) intends to purchase the material through direct sales/catalog.

In fact, stationery stores are the preferred place for Back to School purchases, both for parents with school-age children (92%) and for Portuguese people who are still studying (91%).

Hyper/supermarkets are also sought after by a considerable number of parents (81%) and individuals with academic training (71%).

The biggest difference is found on the Internet: 38% of consumers who are still studying make their purchases there against 19% of Portuguese with school-age children.

The study also asked consumers about the time to purchase school supplies. Most Portuguese families (57%) prefer to spread the purchase over the year, but a considerable percentage (41%) purchase all the material in a single moment.

In fact, both parents with school-age children and individuals who are still studying prefer to buy the material throughout the year (54% and 74% respectively).

Regarding single-time purchases, consumers with school-age children seem more receptive (45%) than those who are still studying (21%).

