PS gets 12 percent more votes than PSD and CDS-PP in Tavira

PS achieved an expressive victory in Tavira, with a difference of about 12 percentage points in relation to […]

PS achieved an expressive victory in Tavira, with a difference of about 12 percentage points in relation to the coalition of PSD and CDS. The Socialists collected 34,47 percent, against 22,51 percent for the "Aliança Portugal", the second most voted force. The CDU was the third most voted force, followed by BE, although very close to the MPT.

The communists managed to rise to 11,01 percent, when in 2009 they had obtained only 7,57 percentage points. The BE, on the other hand, changed positions with the PCP/PEV, as five years ago it had managed to be the third most voted force, with 13,02 percent of the vote. Today, it only managed 6,54 percent. The MPT was very close to the blockers, with 6,28 percent.

The Socialists, in addition to achieving a much larger difference than the national average, rose by more than 7 percentage points compared to 2009. The votes in the two government parties dropped drastically from 38,14 five years ago to 22,5 de 2014. Abstention reached 71 percent, above the national average.

