Registration is now open for the II Exhibition of Flavors of Olhão whose theme is the mussel

For the second consecutive year, the Municipality of Olhão promotes the Olhão Flavors Show, which takes place in restaurants […]

For the second consecutive year, the Municipality of Olhão promotes the Olhão Flavors Show, which takes place in the municipality's restaurants, between June 16th and 26th.

Registration for restaurants interested in participating are already open and can be made online at Chamber website or in person, at the Balcão Único of the Municipality of Olhão, until June 2nd.

This year's theme is the Mexilhão, with each participating restaurant preparing a dish with this bivalve mollusk.

The Algarve Fisheries Company collaborates in this edition, providing daily five kilos of mussels to participating restaurants.

The mussel is being produced by the Companhia de Pescarias do Algarve in large quantities off the island of Armona (Olhão), in a pilot season, and is being marketed mainly to Portugal and Spain.

Last year, at the I Exhibition of Flavors in Olhão, Mackerel was the chosen fish. For a week, all participating restaurants had the opportunity to offer their customers a taste of the different ways of cooking this fish.

