Armando Leandro at the opening ceremony of the Month for the Prevention of Child Abuse

The Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth of Olhão organizes this Wednesday, April 9, at 17:15 pm, at the Ria […]

The Olhão Committee for the Protection of Children and Youth is organizing this Wednesday, April 9, at 17:15 pm, at the Ria Shopping, in this city, the opening ceremony of the Month for the Prevention of Child Abuse, which takes place in April . The initiative will be attended by the president of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth at Risk, Armando Leandro.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. As usual, the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth of Olhão (CPCJO) has joined this consecration of children's rights and carries out, in conjunction with partner entities, a set of activities during the month of April, within the scope of universal prevention of child maltreatment.

As a way of officializing the start of activities, this Committee, in its broad form and in partnership and articulation with the municipality's entities, is promoting today an official opening ceremony, at Ria Shopping, which will be attended by the president of CNPCJR Armando Leandro.

In this celebration, more than bringing people together and talking about prevention, the CPCJO intends to act for prevention, mark the date and sustain an incisive and effective position taken by public authorities, police forces, community leaders, associations and the community in general , namely for the subscription of the “Letter of the Municipality of Olhão Against Child Abuse”.

“We believe that simple people, doing small things, in common places, can achieve extraordinary changes”, says the CPCJO, saying that it maintains its perseverance “in protecting our children one step at a time”.

Throughout the month, various entities with responsibility for children and youth in the municipality will promote activities of a varied nature within the scope of the Prevention of Child Abuse.

At the end of this month, the Commission will hold the 2nd edition of the Human Loop, following the event held in 2013 and which brought together more than 300 people, aged between 2 and 80 years, in Jardim Pescador Olhanense, to form a Loop Azul, always pursuing the objective of making the Community aware of the Promotion and Protection of Children's Rights.

