Bruno Boto exhibits works on Vila-Adentro de Faro in the Algarve Tertúlia

The exhibition of drawing and painting by Bruno Boto «The Old City in Old Fashion» will be inaugurated on […]

The exhibition of drawing and painting by Bruno Boto «The Old City in Old Fashion» will be inaugurated on March 9, at 17:30 pm, in Tertúlia algarvia, in Vila-Adentro de Faro.

The exhibition consists of drawings and paintings on black and white photographs, revealed in the “old fashion”, from the oldest part of Faro, also known as Cidade Velha, made by the young artist and designer from Faro. It will be on display in the Algarve gastronomy and culture space until the 30th of April.

«In this work, drawing and painting are applied to the photographs, which gives the captured motifs a less conventional, stylized and cheerful side», illustrates Tertúlia Algarvia.

