Mathematical Circus arrives at the Living Science Center of Faro this Sunday

The Living Science Center of the Algarve, in Faro, tomorrow, Sunday, hosts the Mathematical Circus, an initiative that foresees, in addition to […]

The Living Science Center of the Algarve, in Faro, tomorrow, Sunday, hosts the Mathematical Circus, an initiative that provides, in addition to the show that lends it its name, many recreational and educational activities and a lecture.

This is an itinerant event, promoted by Associação Ludus, in partnership with Ciência Viva, which arrives at Faro as part of their national tour.

The aim is “to promote the dissemination of mathematics among the general public in its most playful aspects”.

The activities start at 14 pm, at the Live Science Center (CCV) in Faro, but the Circus itself starts at 16 pm.

This is a show «whose objective is to amaze, amuse and attract to mathematics, through the realization of varied recreational activities».

«Wearing a uniform of orange-colored garden features, Recreational Mathematics is brought to the fore: elaboration of several interactive numbers; the busking interaction, in the style of acrobats and workshops, in which mathematics is rehearsed, for example, with cards or origami», describes the CCV do Algarve.

At 15 pm, the lecture "Mathematics in everyday life" will be held by the professor of the university of algarve Marília Pires


Description of activities:

A set of various math games, such as Hex and Product. Aimed at all ages and whose aim is to get people playing and thinking. In this activity the participant is free to sit down and together with another person discover and develop the dice game.

Direct live animation. In the style of acrobats, the artists of the Mathematical Circus mingle with and animate the audience, performing a set of tricks, games and mathematical challenges, with cards, ropes, key chains, carnival handcuffs, corks, tubes and much more. most.

Several interactive games and guessing tricks are presented, all based on math and mathematical principles. These tricks are performed with giant cards, ropes, chains, carnival handcuffs, giant clips, among other materials.

