University of Gothenburg awards honorary doctorate to Deborah Power from UAlg

Deborah Power, full professor at the University of Algarve and researcher at the Center for Marine Sciences, receives today, the 19th […]

Deborah Power, full professor at the University of Algarve and researcher at the Center for Marine Sciences, receives her doctorate today, October 19, Honorary, by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 

For Deborah Power, this recognition is “a great honor”. However, he made a point of stressing that "the work done results from the luck he had in working with several colleagues and PhD students and post docs, in addition to several internationally renowned scientists. The working conditions offered by CCMAR and the financial support of the Foundation for Science and Technology were the key to carrying out the scientific work”.

Recognized for its prestige, the University of Gothenburg has distinguished such prominent figures as Hillary Clinton.

Deborah Power began her duties at the University of Algarve in 1990, having been a researcher at CCMAR since its foundation.

He carries out his research in the field of comparative molecular endocrinology and is particularly interested in the metamorphosis processes of bony fish, the evolution of G protein-linked receptors, skeletal development and calcium homeostasis mechanisms. The research results apply to problems related to aquaculture, endocrinology and biotechnology.

She is also editor-in-chief of the newspaper General and Comparative Endocrinology and Advisor to the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology.

