Biodiversity of the Ria de Alvor motivates exhibition at the CCV in Lagos

The Biodiversity of the Ria de Alvor, captured by young photographers from different countries, will be exhibited at the Ciência Viva Center […]

The Biodiversity of the Ria de Alvor, captured by young photographers from different countries, will be exhibited at the Centro Ciência Viva de Lagos (CCVL) from October 16th. The inauguration of the exhibition, organized by the center and Associação A Rocha, is scheduled for 17 pm.  

«This exhibition of photographs and promotional material resulted from the Algarve Biodiversity Week project, which took place between April 30th and May 11th, 2012, in which 16 young people from 4 countries participated», revealed the CCVL in a press release. The Biodiversity Week was jointly organized by the associations A Rocha, EKOSKOP (Poland), Eco-Explore (United Kingdom) and JNM (Belgium), within the scope of the European Youth in Action Programme.

