Eduardo Almeida: Local authorities are an opportunity "to renew" executives

With the approach of local elections, which in 2013 will have the particularity of being marked by the impossibility of re-candidacy of […]

With the approach of local elections, which in 2013 will have the particularity of being marked by the impossibility of re-candidacy of many mayors in the Algarve, JSD/Algarve also wants to play an active role.

The newly elected president of this structure wants to take the opportunity to place more young people in city executives and admitted to the Sul Informação, in the first major interview he gave after his election, that they will not limit the search for young political cadres to JSD militants

Sul Informação – The municipal authorities of 2013 are at the door. What are your plans for this area?

EA -We are going to create a municipal office, we even have a person appointed. Our main objective as a structure, of course, is to help our party win every chamber in the Algarve.

Of course, we defend the involvement of young people in municipal power, but we do not defend it just for the sake of defending. JSD's main role is to train young people to later become political agents. In this sense, we will be guided, during this term, by training those we consider to be the best to be able to play an autarchic role.

On the other hand, JSD also has to be transparent and tell the truth to young people. That is, explaining which path we defend and trying to convince them that it is the best. One of our main objectives is to create a booklet of transversal proposals for the entire region in the area of ​​youth. From entrepreneurship, employment, training, school, environment and other areas. Then each council will be able to adapt them to their reality.


Suli – We are in a time of mandatory renewal in the presidency of Chambers. Is this an opportunity to rejuvenate executives?

EA- I think it's a good time to do a renovation. We have good political actors, but we also have young cadres who deserve an opportunity. The national PSD defended that in these local authorities the lists should include young people and we will defend that it is so. Not the inclusion of any young people, but the best in the party or even in society. The choice may go beyond the JSD militants.


Suli – And are you thinking of publicly debating these proposals? Are you going to schedule events accordingly?

EA – At the moment we are still in an internal organization phase, as we were elected very recently, but our idea is to start preparing a plan of activities in the different areas. I defend that there is a greater opening of political parties and party youths to society. We must not only think about our congresses or our regional councils, it is important to listen to society. We will be guided by this type of performance.


Eduardo Almeida: «Unlike other political structures, we are not lambs»


