Loulé Chamber launches LC Sustentável newsletter for environmental awareness

Loulé City Council recently launched LC Sustentável, an environmental awareness newsletter, available at http://www.cm-loule.pt/336/Ambiente/boletim.aspx, considering that […]

Loulé City Council recently launched LC Sustentável, an environmental awareness newsletter, available at http://www.cm-loule.pt/336/Ambiente/boletim.aspx, considering that local authorities have a key role in the environmental (in)formation of their citizens.

It is an environmental dissemination tool, aimed at citizens, and through which it is intended to transmit and disseminate information, knowledge and concepts in order to alert citizens to environmental problems and their possible solutions, creating the bases for an active and informed civic participation in the preservation of the environment and in the development of an increasingly evolved, more sustainable society.

The publication of the LC Sustentável newsletter began on June 5, marking World Environment Day, with urban waste and selective disposal as the central theme. In this second issue, the themes of Water are addressed and, because we are in the middle of the bathing season, the Blue Flag.

The issues associated with sustainability, in their environmental, economic and social aspects, can and should be known early on by all citizens, as the construction of more sustainable cities, the mobilization of citizens and the full exercise of responsible citizenship depend on them. and participatory in the environment in which it is inserted.

Building a sustainable world depends on each gesture, attitude and performance of each one of us, in all contexts and situations. Thus, educating and raising awareness for the preservation and defense of biodiversity and natural resources and for individual and collective responsibility in building sustainable development, is currently an urgent and global task.

This is another of the initiatives that the Municipality of Loulé has been developing and promoting over the years, with the aim of contributing to the formation of a more environmentally aware and informed citizenry.

Because only with the commitment and involvement of everyone is it possible to create a more environmentally sustainable council, the Municipality calls on citizens to send ideas and to [email protected]

